Scheduled Tasks allow you to automate the creation of tickets on a recurring basis for routine activities like maintenance, reminders, or onboarding processes.
Managing Scheduled Tasks
- Task Overview: The administration page lists all tasks, showing key details such as names, action, dates, frequency, and status.
- List Navigation: Sort tasks by column headers, refresh the list, and use the menu for specific operations like pausing, resuming, or deleting tasks.
Creating a New Scheduled Task
- Task Initialization: Click "Create scheduled task" and fill in the form. Use "Pause Task" if not ready to start immediately.
- Task Identification: Input a clear name and description for easy identification.
- Start and Stop Dates: Choose immediate start or set a future date; select an indefinite or specific stop date.
- Frequency Configuration: Pick from hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly options, and define specific scheduling details.
- Ticket Creator Selection: Choose a specific individual or leave blank for a default Giva system user.
- Dynamic Text Insertion: Use dynamic text for customizing tickets with real-time values (e.g., customer name, ticket number).
- Customer Notification Control: Decide if and how customers receive notifications upon ticket creation.
- Asset Linking: Attach relevant assets to the ticket for tasks like maintenance or equipment checks.
Task Execution and Management
- Task Status and Execution: Upon saving, tasks are listed with a "Ready" status for scheduled execution. Tasks can be paused or resumed as needed.
- Task Logs and Editing: Access logs for a detailed history of task executions. Edit tasks by clicking on their names.