Standalone IT Change Management Dashboard

Home page dashboard with movable widgets or charts and reports


Giva's IT Change Management Software Dashboard is a dynamic tool for organizing and streamlining IT change management processes and workflows. This dashboard, designed with an intuitive array of colorful charts and graphs, provides a real-time view of current Request for Changes (RFCs). It's crafted to keep your team focused and enable supervisors and leaders to gain a broad, informed overview of the change management process for superior decision-making. Key to its functionality is the ability to track the status of RFCs, monitor completion times, and assess the age of open RFCs. For IT leaders, quickly viewing the impact level, risk level, and priority of RFCs awaiting implementation is crucial. The visual metrics ensure that no RFC is ever overlooked and that critical RFCs are always highlighted.

Dashboard Customization and Functionality

Easy Start with Default Layout

The dashboard is ready to use right out of the box with its default layout, requiring no additional setup or administration. It's composed of small, easily manageable cards or widgets from a pre-configured library.

Personalization and Real-Time Updates

Customizing your dashboard is straightforward — move and resize the cards to fit your needs. A handy refresh button updates the dashboard with real-time data, and a reset button reverts it back to the default widgets, ensuring you're always up-to-date and can return to baseline settings effortlessly.

Widgets Enhance Dashboard Capabilities

Adding and Customizing Widgets

To further tailor your dashboard, the Add/Edit Widget feature allows you to choose from a variety of available widgets. Simply check a box to add a widget or uncheck to remove it, and click Save to update your dashboard. As you explore the widgets, hover over them for a preview and understand their functions better. Once added, these widgets offer more than just visual appeal; they allow you to interact with the data, prioritize using color coding, and drill down into charts for detailed data analysis. Additionally, you have the option to perform various exports or remove widgets as needed.

Review of Specific Widgets

RFC Search Widget

Start by utilizing the RFC search widget, a quick way to find specific RFCs by number or text. This tool simplifies the search process, making it more efficient.

Grid Widgets for Detailed Information

Grid widgets provide comprehensive information, broken down by columns. Stay informed about all open RFCs, those awaiting approval, and review recent and upcoming ones. These RFC grids are highly customizable — adjust columns, select which ones to display, and export data in various formats.

Charts for a Quick Overview

Charts are your quick reference tool, slicing RFC data by various RFC fields. They can show RFCs by status, recent modifications, and other critical fields like impact, risk, and priority. One notable chart details the creation of open RFCs over recent weeks, aiding teams in ensuring the timely implementation and closure of planned RFCs. Like other widgets, these charts also support various export options.
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