Change Managers, change coordinators and/or the CAB (Change Advisory Board) may reject a change request for a variety of reasons. For example, the request may be a duplicate. Typically, rejections should be the exception. There is a Rejection Reason field to select from a menu of short descriptions and also a Rejection Reason Details field to add a descriptive narrative for the reasons why an RFC was rejected.
Rejections are part of the ITIL change management process. Built into the workflows are steps that allow the Change Manager to reject an RFC for any reason.
If the Change Manager determines that the change should not continue through the change process, then the status is moved to "REJECTED." From the list of choices, a "Rejected Reason" is selected and supporting documentation added to the "Change History" field. Giva allows you to customize your rejection reasons.
Using the fields discussed, the following reports will assist the Change Manager and the Change Advisory Board (CAB) in increasing the number of successful changes.
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