Giva Mobile: Login

Optimized for Mobile

Giva syncs across all your devices to update your data wherever you go!

Giva Mobile is our intuitive, easy-to-use cloud help desk & customer service mobile application at your fingertips. It provides the capability to quickly manage and stay in touch anytime and anywhere integrating with your mobile lifestyle. Giva Mobile will allow your team to deliver an extraordinarily high level of customer satisfaction while creating convenience for your team.
Giva Mobile is a HIPAA-compliant mobile application and completely browser based. There is no need to download and install any application.
Giva Mobile: Login

The Giva Difference

The Giva Difference: Fast Deployment
Fast Deployment
Deploy in days, train in 1 hour
The Giva Difference: Powerful Reporting
Powerful Reporting
Robust, fast & painless reporting for higher quality decision-making
The Giva Difference: Highly Customizable
Highly Customizable
Highly customizable without programming or consultants

Giva is HIPAA Compliant

  • Giva makes HIPAA compliance very easy for our customers since the data center, hardware and software infrastructure of Giva's help desk software meet the very strict HIPAA compliance regulations.
  • Giva uses HIPAA-compliant data encryption to ensure that all PHI data in hospital and healthcare electronic health and medical records is secure.
  • Giva's HIPAA-compliant backup strategy creates regular backups on a daily and weekly basis to enable the ability to quickly restore data from encrypted backups, if needed.
  • Giva's HIPAA-compliant security approach uses a comprehensive, multi-tiered security strategy to protect PHI in electronic health and medical records combined with a multi-tenant infrastructure to manage costs for our customers.
  • A security-first approach means that a regular assessment of application vulnerabilities is a key part of providing the highest levels of data security for PHI from electronic health and medical records. Proper log management is utilized for anomaly detection and forensic analysis.
  • Giva's HIPAA-compliant security policies go beyond basic data center compliance and encompass how technology, people and process come together to drive outcomes to protect PHI in electronic health and medical records.
  • All processes are validated against a rigorous set of controls by an independent team of CPA auditors. The annual SSAE 18 SOC 2 Type 2 compliance reports is issued and shared with all Giva customers upon request. Skilled HIPAA-certified engineers available 24/7/365.

Schedule a demo now, or start your own free, 30-day trial today.

Get free set-up assistance. At no cost to you, Giva's well-trained product experts will answer questions and make setup/configuration recommendations during the 30-day trial.
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