"Giva is a pleasure to use, it is highly functional, we were up and running fast and the technical support is outstanding. We are very pleased with our choice of Giva.
- Chris Jerry, Support Center Manager, EDIMS

EDIMS' Results Using Giva vs. Salesforce Service Cloud

When compared with Salesforce.com® Service Cloud, the Giva Service Management Suite resulted in a:
  • 30% increase in productivity by using Giva dashboards and reports
  • Eliminated 24 hours/month of work to prepare reports
  • 50% decrease in time required to open cases
  • 50% easier to navigate and search Giva
  • 100% faster application responsive/speed
  • 85% easier to get up and running on Giva
  • 50% less time to maintain Giva on an ongoing basis
  • 80% decrease in time to generate and approve knowledge articles
  • 75% reduction in time to add new company/contact


For over 20 years, EDIMS has delivered evidence-based best practices to hospital emergency rooms through its information systems. Its flagship electronic health record (EHR) solutions are used at hospitals and long-term care facilities nationwide by over 2,000 physicians and staff to fully document emergency department patient encounters. The Giva Service Management Suite™ including Giva® CustomerService™ and KnowledgeManager™ was deployed in the cloud as the EDIMS customer service solution.
With Giva, we have reduced the amount of time that it takes to open a case by about 50%.
The Giva application is over 100% more responsive and faster as compared to Salesforce.com.
The entire process of generating and approving knowledge is 80% easier in Giva.
- Chris Jerry, Support Center Manager, EDIMS

EDIMS Case Study

Chris Jerry, Support Center Manager, EDIMS
Steve Kazimir, Project Manager/Customer Support, EDIMS

The Challenge

EDIMS provides 24x7 customer service for over 2,000 physicians and staff in emergency rooms nationwide for our flagship electronic health record (EHR) products. Since we are providing customer service/technical support to physicians and staff in emergency rooms the extremely urgent nature of our work cannot be underestimated. Time is always of the essence. We must be able to move quickly through a customer call and provide rapid resolutions or be able to capture all the pertinent details for internal escalation and trouble shooting.
Before Giva, we used Salesforce.com® Service Cloud for three years. With Salesforce.com, there was often a minimum of four or more screens to click through to open a case which drastically reduced our productivity and increased physician and staff tension and stress. The Saleforce.com application was slow, bulky and poorly architected for the kind of application responsiveness that we needed to service our very demanding physicians and staff working in emergency rooms.
We needed high quality reports that we could quickly access to get real-time information. It was taking us an extraordinary amount of time to get the information we needed out of Salesforce.com and then we had to massage, cross reference and check the data for reasonableness with excel files requiring a lot of manual effort. We were also spending over 24 hours/month generating reports to monitor trends.
Getting appropriate case related information from dashboards was not possible. There were dashboards for the sales management/pipeline monitoring functions, but there was nothing meaningful for customer service.
We used professional services in an effort to better customize Salesforce.com to meet our needs, but the efforts were fruitless. There were strict limits to what we can do with the service cloud application.

The Solution

Fluent in 1 hour
Many vendors describe their products as, "easy-to-use". Giva is quite different; my agents describe Giva as actually a "pleasure-to-use." When our phones are ringing nonstop and we are short staffed, it is at these times that Giva's speed, intuitive design and out-standing usability are most evident. From our first hand experience, we think Giva is the "Apple Computer" of cloud customer service applications.
With Giva, we have reduced the amount of time that it takes to open a case by about 50%. This is an extraordinary result! Giva only requires less than one minute on average to open up a case and enter all the required information according to our standard protocol. With Salesforce.com, it would often take over three minutes to open a case. With Giva, there is only one highly functional and intuitively designed screen to work in. The screen has a number of tabs where functions and workflow can be highly customized.
Since it now takes 50% less time to open a case, our agent productivity has almost effectively doubled when the call queue is full and the phones are busy ringing. It is also over 50% easier to navigate and search in Giva to find case details after the case is opened. Now all of our agents create cases in real-time while speaking with physicians/staff instead of scribbling notes on paper and creating the case after the call is completed. Physicians will often not stay with us on a call if it takes too long to create the case as they are taking care of patients in emergency rooms where life and death is at stake.
Our sales organization has much lower expectations for application responsiveness/speed than customer service. Our customer service agents have to speak with physicians while opening a case and think fast, take notes and perform searches all at the same time. With Salesforce.com, we were hindered by waiting for pages to load or for search results. This tremendously decreased our productivity and increased call time.
With Giva, I have earned a lot of accolades from my team for selecting an outstanding product. The Giva application is over 100% more responsive and faster as compared to Salesforce.com. Our agents are extremely happy with Giva. With Salesforce.com, our agents were always complaining about the slow page loads and high number of screens to click through to open a case. The poor application responsiveness was relatively constant throughout the day. It was even slow early in the morning and late in the evenings.
Giva has a much easier company/contact work flow than Salesforce.com. With Salesforce.com, it required over two and a half minutes to add a new company and/or contact. With Giva, the time has been reduced by over 75%. We can now move through calls faster and thereby increase customer satisfaction with shorter and more focused calls.
The Giva knowledgebase is easy to use, very functional and night and day when compared to Salesforce.com's knowledgebase module. With Giva, we can quickly create knowledge records by entering only minimal information which is immediately indexed and searchable after submitted as "hot knowledge." New knowledge articles can be quickly reviewed, challenged and approved through a simple work flow process that allows the proposer and approver(s) to have email dialogue to resolve questions before the article is published. The entire process of generating and approving knowledge is 80% easier in Giva. We can put all of our expertise in one place that is accessible anywhere by all our agents which are spread out geographically.
The Giva Tsunami Ticket™ significantly increases our productivity. It allows my team to see all the urgent cases at each customer site and link related cases of major issues and thereby manage a large number of cases as a single case. It is difficult for our agents to communicate in real-time since they sit at a number of different buildings. When we use the Tsunami Ticket, we are all kept synchronized on current hot issues. We can see the major issues affecting customer right in front of us.
The scrolling marquee message at the top of the application also keeps us synchronized with critical information or major issues. Agents cannot miss this information and they are always well prepared and never blind sighted by customers. The marquee allows us to quickly communicate very essential information to all of our agents in real-time. This is an outstanding way to keep our agents proactively updated with a continuous flow in critical information. The Giva Tsunami Ticket and the Marquee message together have helped us increase productivity by over one third.
Real-time reports & dashboards without effort
We love Giva's dashboard and charts on the home page. I have the ability to see all the open cases and the most recent open cases as well as in a lot of different chart views with warnings. This helps our agents keep on top of their specific cases as well as see the overall department case load and what other people are working on, if desired. Giva provides both a horizontal and vertical visibility to our department's case load. It is easy to drill down to the ticket level to get more specific information. I can see all the metrics for the entire team by just looking at my dashboards. There are highly relevant metrics and KPIs available on my home page dashboard customizable to my needs. This is extremely helpful to all of the department leaders. Our productivity has soared using Giva. We do not have to hunt around for information; it is right in front of us all the time.
The Giva reports make us 30% more productive and have dramatically decreased the amount of time required to generate and distribute quality reports to the executive team. The formatting of Salesforce.com reports was horrendous and it was even extremely difficult to turn the data into timely, actionable information. Even the extraction of the data from the Salesforce.com reports into an Excel was a very time consuming job. We had to spend over 24 hours per month working with the reports to extract data. With Giva, we spend about 15 minutes per month generating reports and the information quality is superior. I could not use the Salesforce.com reports "as is" for executive presentations. However, with the Giva reports, I can select filtering criteria, run and print the report in ten seconds and then present them to senior management. This has a huge impact on our daily productivity. With Giva, we can also auto schedule reports to run and get delivered via email.
Giva has significantly decreased the amount of time it takes to generate customer satisfaction survey results. Salesforce.com does not have a native customer satisfaction survey tool. They offered a third party option that we used independently, but we had to spend time to get the surveys sent out and the results collated. With Giva, we do not have to do any work; it all happens automatically. We also like how we can customize the Giva survey frequency with granular control. We do not want to overwhelm our very busy customers with surveys, but want to insure that we are continuously obtaining a representative sample of feedback. We are also getting better trend data with easy to understand graphics without investing any time. There is also a link between the survey results, the agent who took the call and the related case. With Salesforce.com, we could not see these important linkages without significant work.
Highly customizable without consultants
Giva requires 50% less time to maintain on an ongoing basis than Salesforce.com even though they are both cloud applications. Getting up and running on Giva was very fast. The Giva Account Management Team assisted us every step of the way through the set-up and customization process. Our Account Manager was very attentive and focused on our objective of getting up and running in a very short window of time since we were cutting over from Salesforce.com to Giva. He was inquisitive to learn about our special requirements and enthusiastic to help us in any way possible. EDIMS is a very busy and demanding customer. We did not have a lot of time so Giva provided assistance on our terms when we were available. We were able to get up and running on Giva over 85% faster. It took a tremendous amount of work to set-up, customize and configure Salesforce.com.
Outstanding Technical Support
With Salesforce.com, the technical support was poor and whatever support we received was not helpful. We gave up calling Salesforce.com as we could not get a live person on the phone despite trying diligently for weeks at a time. Furthermore, we had five different Account Managers over three years of using Salesforce.com despite that we were a customer with a number of departments using the product. We had to explain our workflow and requirements over and over again to different people in an effort to get help and attention.
The support from Giva is outstanding. It is night and day as compare to Salesforce.com. Our questions get quickly answered from the highly trained and enthusiastic people at Giva. When they have follow-up questions they contact us immediately with no delay. The ball is never dropped like with other technical support organizations we have experienced. We love Giva support so much! It is just like the technical support we provide to our 2,000 physicians and staff. Giva has a strong sense of urgency in even just getting a simple "how to" questions resolved for us.
Salesforce.com's cloud network was down occasionally which caused us significant problems. With Giva, we have experienced 100% uptime using the application 24 x 7 and the screens load and reports are super fast.
In summary, Giva is a pleasure to use, it is highly functional, we were up and running fast and the technical support is outstanding. We are very pleased with our choice of Giva.
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