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"We estimate that we have been able to reduce the total cost of ownership of our IT service desk application by approximately 30% in the first year.
- Neil Ferguson, Chief Technology Officer, Lewis Roca LLP

Lewis Roca's Results Using Giva's Cloud IT Help Desk Software

The Giva Service Management Suite provided Lewis Roca with a:
  • 70% increase in attorney and staff customer satisfaction with IT
  • 70% increase in overall IT productivity
  • Eliminated 8 hours per week generating reports
  • 80% increase in information quality in reports/metrics/KPIs
  • 70% increase in meeting service level agreements
  • 80% easier to use knowledge base for trouble shooting
  • 75% faster deployment as compared to other well-known IT service desks
  • Three to four times faster to open service requests/create & approve knowledge articles

About Lewis Roca LLP

Founded in 1950, Lewis Roca LLP, has approximately 650 employees in offices in Phoenix, Tucson, Las Vegas, Albuquerque, Reno and Silicon Valley. The firm serves a diverse base of local, regional, national and international clients, including some of the world's largest corporations. The Giva Service Management Suite™, including Giva® HelpDesk ™, Giva KnowledgeManager™, Giva AssetManager™ and Giva ChangeManger™, was deployed in the cloud as their IT Service Desk solution.
About Lewis Roca LLP
Our firm was able to get up and running on Giva 75% faster than deployments we had with other well-known tools.
Using Giva, we have increased the number of calls and walk-ins documented by 50% since it is much easier to use due to its intuitive design.
Before using Giva our first contact resolution was approximately 70%. With Giva, we have increased that metric up to 95%.
- Neil Ferguson, Chief Technology Officer, Lewis Roca LLP

Lewis Roca LLP Case Study

Neil Ferguson, Chief Technology Officer, Lewis Roca LLP
Stacy Bowdish, Manager of Technology Service Operations, Lewis Roca LLP

The Challenge

Prior to using Giva, we were using a well-known product locally installed on our own servers for our IT help service desk system. Although for many years it met our needs, we outgrew the functionality limits and resource requirements of it. We were always aware of the cost and complexity to manage and maintain the system. Giva's cloud based solution was very attractive to us in that we could reduce labor costs required to manage and maintain our IT service desk tool. We also wanted to move toward an IT Infrastructure Library® (ITIL®) solution. Giva is highly functional and very easy to implement an ITIL solution in a very short amount of time. Giva was also recommended by some of our law firm colleagues at other firms so we felt confident moving to Giva. During our careers, we have had experience using ServiceNow®, BMC Remedy® and other well-known service management suites so we have a wide range of comparative experiences to draw from to evaluate other options for the firm.
As our service desk contact volume has grown over time, we knew that we were not capturing all of the calls or walk-ins since our current tool required too many steps just to create a service request. We were also concerned that our metrics and trends did not include perhaps up to 50% of the service desk contacts.
Reports/metrics and KPIs are very important to us and it was requiring too much time to obtain the information we needed to make informed and fast decisions to run our business. We wanted to begin measuring the competence and capabilities of all our IT staff. By routinely measuring and comparing performance, this will help us train, coach and develop our IT human resources. For example, we want to measure IT staff performance in the following areas: customer satisfaction, average time-to-close service requests, first contact resolution, service level agreement compliance, and user ratings of knowledge articles submitted are some metrics of interest to us. We could not easily generate these metrics for individuals or service groups with our old call tracking system.
We believe that ITIL is the right evolution for our organization. We have currently implemented or are planning to implement the following ITIL areas: problem, incident, change, and service level management. We were looking for a service management suite that was fully ITIL compliant and at the same time very easy to implement.

The Solution

Deploy in days / Train in 1 hour
We were able to deploy Giva in just one week without any downtime to our end user attorneys and staff. Giva assisted us with the configuration and customization and we were able to use many of the out-of-box default settings. Giva has significant expertise working with law firms and that perspective and insight helped speed the deployment. In a law firm environment delivering a high level of customer service is very important. With Giva's guidance, we were able to make tradeoffs and optimize the initial set-up.
During the cutover process to the new system, our employees could still call the service desk and email us even as we just started to use Giva. Our switch to Giva was completely transparent to our end user community and it went smoothly meeting all our deadlines. We did some basic configuration and customization to quickly start using Giva and then made incremental customizations very easily without "breaking" anything. Our users started to see the benefits of a new service desk management tool right away as we were able to quickly deliver a much higher level of attorney satisfaction. Giva trained our Level 1 and 2 teams in just 30 minute sessions.
We have careers of experience using other major IT service desk applications. Our firm was able to get up and running on Giva 75% faster than deployments we had with other well-known tools.
Although our old tool served us for many years, it is a complicated product that is not intuitive to use. It is so much easier to document calls with Giva. With the old tool, sometimes folks would not document calls in real-time while speaking with an attorney since there were so many screens and tabs to click to create a service request. It often took too long to document problems while attorneys were speaking quickly and in a rush to get off the phone and back to work. Using Giva, we have increased the number of calls and walk-ins documented by 50% since it is much easier to use due to its intuitive design.
We love the home page dashboard since it is so well organized and rich with important information. Giva has optimized the use of the space with thoughtfulness by placing grids, charts and real-time metrics in just the right place to make it enjoyable and simple to use. Giva is friendly looking and very easy to learn.
The information in the dashboard is only visible to the appropriate people keeping everybody highly focused. For example, the applications department does not see service requests related to litigation support. In addition to the dashboard grids and charts, we also have fast access to real-time metrics like: Assigned to Me, All Unassigned Tickets, My Created Today, My First Contact Resolved Today, All Created Today and All Open Tickets, Open VIP Tickets and My Team Members. There is also a brief overview of important knowledge articles recently created and approved and important Requests for Change (RFCs).
Before using Giva our first contact resolution was approximately 70%. With Giva, we have increased that metric up to 95%. The Giva knowledge base has helped us accomplish this significant increase in a short amount of time. This increase directly translates into higher attorney satisfaction as we can get our attorneys back to productive work faster. It is so much easier to search the Giva knowledge base and quickly identify relevant information. The search interface is intuitive and easy-to-use with no training. It looks and works just like Google. The system also helps us leverage information in service requests as well. It is easy to take a service request with a resolution and quickly convert it into a knowledge article and put it through an approval workflow cycle.
Overall, it is 80% easier to navigate within Giva as compared to our old system. It is approximately three to four times faster to create a service request in Giva since you have all the information that you need in a single screen so clicking is minimized. Creating/approving knowledge articles is also three to four times faster using Giva. The Giva interface is clean and simple, but at the same time all the important information is on a single screen where it is well organized in an appropriate hierarchy. A service request can be created in just two clicks. There is not another service management suite that we have used where it is that easy and intuitive. Giva reminds us of the Apple Computer interface and design. Giva's screens are clean, elegant, and simple to use.
Highly customizable without programming or consultants
We estimate that we have been able to reduce the total cost of ownership of our IT service desk application by approximately 30% in the first year. We have been able to drastically decrease the amount of labor hours that we use to have to spend on managing and maintaining the application as well as generating reports.
We have been able to generate a 70% increase in service desk responsiveness and customer satisfaction. Our attorneys and staff are more pleased now then they have ever been since we have improved our two-way communication. For example, there are a series of automated workflow emails generated from Giva allowing us to keep our customers updated on progress of their issues. They also see notes that IT adds to the service requests. We can also enter a "private note" in service requests that end users cannot view. Now, attorneys do not have to call the service desk for status updates on important issues since they are getting a regular proactive flow of email notifications with key updates. As a result, they see a much more strong sense of IT ownership and they are very pleased.
We have eliminated the need for programmers to manage and maintain the IT service desk application thus saving a lot of labor hours and costs. With Giva, there is no coding or scripts to write or arcane administration to learn. The administration is simple and intuitive, thus we can make changes on-the-fly to constantly tweak the system and keep customizations synchronized with our ever changing environment. We do not need Giva to do administration. Even as a cloud application, we have complete control over everything.
Giva is accessible anywhere and anytime since it is a cloud application. There were numerous steps to log into our old service desk tool and this often resulted in service requests not being created or updated, which distorted our reports and metrics. In the future, we may share a section of the knowledgebase to provide some self-help capability. The fact that Giva is in the cloud will allow our attorneys to access Giva at any hour of the day with just a smart phone and a browser.
There are many innovate features in Giva that we have not found in other IT service management suites. For example, taking screen shots and including them in a service request is very easy and can be done in just seconds. This has helped us save a lot of time and increase the productivity of the level 1 help desk team. Screen shots are also automatically included in service requests that are converted from emails.
The well-designed layout of the service request helps our level 1 and level 2 IT team to quickly focus on important information. For example, we can easily view the service request history since all the notes are in a single screen. The service request audit trail is well summarized and also all in one place and can be viewed with a quick glance to get a sense of what work has been done. We can also quickly view all the pertinent service request information such as the assignee, creator, description, service level agreement, severity level, service group, etc.
Setting up Giva's workflow routing was very easy. All of the well-known service management applications that we used in the past have workflow routing, but with Giva we estimate that is 70% easier to actually set-up and tweak the workflow routing. This helped reduce the time required to initially set-up Giva and manage the system in the future.
Robust, fast & painless reporting for higher quality decision-making
We have been able to increase IT productivity over 70%. With Giva, we are saving a lot of time with report preparation and analysis. Throughout my career using a number of other IT service desk systems, I used to spend approximately 8 hours per week configuring, customizing, running and printing reports to manage the IT service desk. With Giva, I spend only 30 minutes per week and the quality of the metric information is 80% better. This is an excellent business result. The Giva reports are already built and configured, and I can use intelligent filters to quickly modify them to get exactly the kind of information that I need. In one simple step, I can save a report, share it with anybody, download it to an Excel/PFD, and email it all in just seconds. We can also easily save and share many versions of the same report template using our own unique names.
We have been able to increase the customer satisfaction of our attorneys and staff by 70% with Giva. We are using the Giva default customer satisfaction survey which was very easy to set-up and we get a high response rate. The responses get immediately integrated into a few reports and also into the service request. Our attorneys and staff are rating IT with an overall 4.9 out of a possible 5 points.
We have been able to decrease the number of service requests that remain open from day-to-day by 75%. The dashboard SLA warnings have helped us achieve this result. No issues fall through the cracks anymore. There is a much higher sense of ownership of service requests among the IT staff since we now have so many new metrics to monitor individual and group performance.
As the Chief Technology Officer, I do not prepare reports. This is done by my Manager of Technology Service Operations. However, I could easily use the Giva system and run reports if I needed to on an ad hoc basis. This capability is important to me in case I get a call from a senior partner or need to get some information quickly before a meeting. I even use the Giva knowledge base and find it very intuitive.
When we have to manage a major site outage, the Giva Tsunami Ticket™ and the related report are very useful. The report allows us to determine how many people were affected and provides trends information so we can better understand the impact of major outages on the firm.
With Giva, we have increased meeting our service level agreements by 70%. With the dashboard, we can take an eyeball glance while at our PCs or using iPads when in meetings throughout the day to see if SLAs are close to breaching. We can easily be alerted before the breach which enables us to take timely action to actually prevent the breach. We are an extremely busy IT service desk working simultaneously on dozens of high severity level issues. Like any IT service desk, we have limited resources. Giva helps our team to be extraordinarily more productive by focusing us on the most urgent issues at the right time.
The Giva dashboard provides a great visual way to quickly get an overall sense of the status of service level agreements. We can see which service requests need attention right away. For example, there are red, yellow and green "dot" icons on the dashboard associated with each service request. Each dot is slowly incremented from a full green dot to a full red dot based upon the resolve SLA; the increments are 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%. The increments are based on dividing the resolve SLA by 9 (i.e. 4 green, 1 yellow and 4 red increments.). A full green dot means generally that there is a lot of "run way" before the SLA will breach. A 50% red dot means that the SLA has been breached, but the service request is not as much overdue as a 100% red dot. This is a radically simple, but an extraordinarily elegant way of quickly giving us direction of where to focus. This is an invaluable benefit of Giva that requires just a quick glance. We have used other systems that required mental calculations and manual intervention to get at the heart of the matter. Giva is orders of magnitude better and it helps my team know exactly where to focus with little effort.
Outstanding Technical Support
We have had 100% uptime and the application suite is very fast and responsive. It is very important that we are always up and running since attorneys can call our help desk any hour of the day. We carefully evaluated Giva's security and infrastructure and as a result we trust Giva with our business. Their technical support has been outstanding. It is based in the USA so we get clear helpful instructions and very prompt responses. Giva has exceeded their contractually committed service level agreements for technical support. We have access to reports to measure their level of performance. We have asked them for feature enhancements and they have delivered them on a timely basis. Giva keeps launching new enhancements and functionality very frequently--even more frequently than we get from other cloud vendors.
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