The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Logo
"We are very pleased with our decision to purchase Giva. We get a high level of support and dedication – in fact, they have surprised us with their very high level of responsiveness and attention. Hewlett Foundation is a very well satisfied customer.
- Sally Lee, Information Services, Project Manager, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation's Results Using Giva vs. BMC Track-It!

When compared with BMC® Track-It!™ by BMC Software, the Giva Service Management Suite resulted in:
  • Decreased average time to close service requests by 40 percent
  • Increased first call resolution by 45 percent
  • Increased employee satisfaction with IT, Facilities, Human Resources, and other operations departments
  • Decreased call volume with employee accessible Internet portal knowledge base
  • Delivered high ROI by implementing Giva KnowledgeManager with a third-party knowledge base of computer support solutions
  • Was deployed in a one week implementation, including significant customization

About The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Established in 1966, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation is one of the world's largest foundations, with assets of more than $6.5 billion.
About The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Giva KnowledgeManager along with Giva HelpDesk provided us with an excellent alternative to BMC® Track-It!™ by BMC Software that fit our needs at an affordable price.
With Giva HelpDesk, the average time to close a call has decreased by 40 percent and first call resolution has increased by 45 percent.
With Giva, we have lowered our cost of support and significantly increased employee satisfaction in our organization.
- Sally Lee, Information Services, Project Manager, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Case Study

Sally Lee, Information Services, Project Manager, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

The Challenge

We have been growing over the last few years, and prior to using Giva, we were using BMC® Track-It!™ by BMC Software for our call tracking solution. We were looking for a way to stop reinventing the solution to the same problem each time that it occurred. We also wanted to deploy a Web-based help desk system that was well integrated with a knowledge management system so that our agents could quickly and easily propose new knowledge before closing service requests. The objective is that the system gets 'smarter' the more we use it.
We were also looking for a way to implement 24 x 7 Web-based employee self-service for information technology and several other departments. We wanted to give our employees the capability to open up their own service requests, if they could not find answers in our FAQs or knowledge base.

The Solution

We carefully evaluated a number of the large vendors in the industry that we had prior experience with. These alternatives did not have all the features or functions and ease of use that we were looking for—nor were they available at an affordable price.
However, Giva KnowledgeManager along with Giva HelpDesk provided us with an excellent alternative to BMC® Track-It!™ by BMC Software that fit our needs at an affordable price. Giva solutions work out-of-the-box. We also have integrated them with knowledge articles from a third-party vendor, so that the knowledge base and FAQs generate an immediate ROI.
In addition, we have quickly built our own knowledge articles. We like the high level of flexibility and customization that is available with Giva, and now we are using it for other knowledge management and service request functions outside of the IT department in our other operational areas.
Giva assisted us in implementing its help desk solution—in fact, we were up and running in just about a week, a relatively short time relative to other software implementations. Giva asked us questions about our work flow, department policies, and culture. Based on this information, they made many important recommendations to optimize the configuration of the help desk software to best meet our needs. The Web-based help desk system is so easy to use, we never had to read a user manual to understand the set-up, configuration, and customization.

The Result

With Giva HelpDesk, the average time to close a call has decreased by 40 percent and first call resolution has increased by 45 percent. The ROI generated by the Giva system is significant. We are getting a high return on our money everyday we use the system.
With Giva, we have lowered our cost of support and significantly increased employee satisfaction in our organization. This is a very significant accomplishment, and we would have not been able to do it without the Giva help desk and knowledgebase applications and its expertise.
The seamless integration between Giva HelpDesk and Giva KnowledgeManager is excellent. Agents can propose new knowledge articles while in the process of resolving a service request. By leveraging our own known solutions as well as those we purchased from a third-party, our agents are able to more quickly close service requests. With this knowledge management software, we are no longer reinventing solutions for the same problems as we did in the past.
When a knowledge article successfully solves a problem, the Giva knowledge management solution automatically increments its knowledge article "Problem Solving Score." Anybody who uses the knowledge base can also rate knowledge articles.
There are a number of other excellent reports and tools that help us manage the knowledge article approval cycle after knowledge is proposed. We can slice and dice the knowledge base to determine what is useful and should be maintained in the system and what we should discard. Reports also allow us to understand who in our organization is contributing knowledge with high "Problem Solving Scores" and "User Ratings."
We have significantly decreased the number of calls and increased customer satisfaction with our help desk by offering to our employees the Giva self-service Web portal. With this knowledge base, employees can search for answers, open service requests, and monitor their service requests from the portal.
In summary, we are very pleased with our decision to purchase Giva. We get a high level of support and dedication—in fact, they have surprised us with their very high level of responsiveness and attention. Hewlett Foundation is a very well satisfied customer.
(Swipe to see the next Case Study)

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