Giva Blog

Help Desk, Customer Service, Cloud & Security Insights, with a Side of Altruism!

Service Design vs. Product Design vs. UX Design, with Designer Skills Required & Examples

Service Design vs Product Design vs UX Design

Photo Attribution: Nut Creator/

Service Design

What is the Importance of Service Design?

The most important reason for the success of a company providing services to its customers is its service design, which is the first point of contact between a company and the customer, and sets the customer's first impression of the company. Did you ever question how air ticketing, hotel booking, or banking services have become so convenient that even a non-technical person can use them easily, or did you ever feel that using one mobile phone service is much easier to use than another? Who makes these services user-friendly and convenient? Well, the answer is a service designer. A service designer is a person entrusted with the role of creation a service design for a company.

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Automated Information Systems (AIS) - All You Need to Know

Automated Information Systems (AIS)

Photo Attribution: Funtap/

What is an Automated Information System (AIS)?

You may not know a lot about AIS, but it can help your business. Automated Information Systems (AIS) are computer-based collections of data and software that use the input of various resources to automate the management of operations and information, creating useful output that can help a company make strategic decisions. AIS is a compilation of hardware, software, or both to automate communication, documentation, reporting, processing, and storing information, and typically has a front-end interface where a user interacts with the system, a back-end database or a similar mechanism for storing items such as management reports, real-time transaction processing feeds from other systems, and middleware logic used to tie it all together.

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What is EUC? Everything You Need to Know About End-User Computing Made Simple

End User Computing

Photo Attribution: wan wei/

With the rise of mobile commerce, companies need to constantly accommodate customer demands to ensure their business is keeping up with technological advancements. It is not enough to have a website to sell services and products. According to Allied Market Research, "The global mobile payment market size was valued at $1.48 trillion in 2019, and is projected to reach $12.06 trillion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 30.1% from 2020 to 2027." In a study completed by Dynamic Yield, three out of four consumers answered that they prefer using their mobile to make purchases to save time. As a business, you must ensure you are able to reduce the barrier to purchase for your customers. Customer-facing applications have become a norm in EUC, which stands for "End-User Computing".

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Information Technology (IT) Industry Analysis & Overview

Information Technology Industsry Analysis Overview

Photo Attribution: Den Rise/

Today, you would be hard-pressed to find an industry that does not rely on technology, whether directly or indirectly. From healthcare to retail and everything in-between technology is used to gather, share, monitor, and create.

Though similar technologies appear across different industries, they often serve alternative purposes. Similarly, however, technology is designed to streamline day-to-day processes. Although, some may argue that it has complicated things further!

Are you interested about the role of IT across industries? Get ready for 'IT education' as we explore various components of tech uptake across the information technology sector.

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SLI, SLO & SLA: What's the Difference?


Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a software engineering approach for IT operations. It utilizes software as a tool for managing systems, automating tasks, and solving problems to ensure the availability of your applications mainly through the process of monitoring service-level metrics. These metrics are related to business objectives, made up of shared goals across your team, the capabilities of your product/service, and the customer experience.

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Top 10 Disputes to Address in Your Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) SLA

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Photo Attribution: chrupka/

What is BPO: Business Process Outsourcing?

BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing and is the contracting of services to third-party companies that can provide them more inexpensively or better than your company. Businesses outsource their work for many reasons but are most commonly looking to decrease costs, expand capabilities or lessen risks. Some common outsourcing services include Customer Service/Call Center/Helpdesk, Client Management, Human Resources, and even Accounting. Third-party providers offer these solutions using cost-efficient approaches. This article will focus on Call Center providers, although many of the points can apply to other types of outsourced services as well.

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How to Use the Balanced Scorecard Approach to Achieve World-Class Service Desk Performance

Balanced Scorecard

Photo Attribution: desdemona72/

The troubled Service Desk manager called the ITIL Guru and asked to see her right away. When he arrived, he had a panicked look on his face. The ITIL Guru calmly asked, "What has got your feathers ruffled?"

The manager said, "I just received an email from the CIO asking about my department's metrics. He says that they don't look great compared to top service desks. Before I respond, I wanted to get your opinion."

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Machine-Learning is Leading the Self-Improving Help Desk: Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Systems

Case Based Reasoning Help Desk AI

Photo Attribution: ArchMan/

In the AI-driven era, customer service has evolved to be more efficient and self-learning. AI systems help companies in a variety of ways including improving customer satisfaction ratings, reducing operational costs, and increasing revenue. AI has many other advantages for customer service that human agents cannot compete with — it is always available, 24/7 and never gets tired or distracted. One of the leading AI systems in this area is CBR Systems' machine learning help desk system.

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Operational Level Agreements (OLAs): The Foundation to Every Service Level Agreement (SLA)


Photo Attribution: BestForBest/

The Service Desk Manager arrived at the ITIL Service Manager's office and found her staring out the window. He politely knocked, and the manager invited him to sit down, saying, "Glad to see you back. How is your SLA project going?"

"Progressing, thanks to your guidance."

"That is great! Tell me what you have done so far."

"I met with several key business leaders and explained the project and what a Service Level Agreement is. They are excited about us addressing their critical needs, and they are looking forward to a continuous improvement process partnership. However, I am not experiencing the same excitement from the various IT departments. I thought they would love to know what the business needs."

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How to Define & Measure ITSM Critical Success Factors (CSF) with SLAs & KPIs

ITSM Critical Success Factors with SLAs & KPIs

Photo Attribution: Nemanja Cosovic & fatmawati achmad zaenuri/

When the young man arrived at the ITIL Service Manager's office, he found her reading a book. He politely knocked, and the manager invited him to sit down, saying, "What can I do for you?"

The young man said, "My manager asked me to write an SLA for my Service Desk, and I don't know where to start. Another manager told me you know everything there is to know about IT best practices."

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