Giva Blog

Help Desk, Customer Service, Cloud & Security Insights, with a Side of Altruism!

Definition of Change Management vs. Change Enablement: How Do They Differ?

Change Management vs. Change Enablement

Photo Attribution: eamesBot/

For any IT organization, the management of change is a challenging process to implement.

Over the years, the process of implementing change has become codified around a core best practice concept known as Change Management.

For IT leaders, CIOs, and IT professionals trained using ITIL® methodologies, the concept of Change Management has been replaced with a new, more dynamic framework known as Change Enablement.

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Help Desk vs. Service Desk vs. ITSM: What Are the Differences?

Help Desk vs Service Desk vs ITSM

IT support leaders often need to decide the best service approach for their entire organization. Forcing themselves to ask the question: "Which is better, an IT help desk, service desk, or IT service management?"

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How to Use the 80/20 Rule (Pareto Principle) in IT Service Management

80 20 Rule Pareto Principle

Photo Attribution: momoforsale/

The 80/20 Rule is the principle that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. It's often used in business to help identify how to operate more efficiently. It can be applied to almost every area of business, including IT Service Management (ITSM).

IT service organizations and teams are focused on providing the best possible service to their internal customers. Efficiency has always been integral to ITSM. Monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and dashboards, and adherence to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is essential to producing successful outcomes in ITSM.

But how do IT service managers and IT leaders know how and where to focus the team's resources and time?

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Are IT Certifications Worth It? Our Guide to the Top IT Certificates

IT Certifications

Photo Attribution: Bakhtiar Zein/

Is it worth it for companies to encourage IT certifications for their technology employees? What certifications are organizations most interested in? Gaining competency in various areas helps expand the possibilities for your company's growth and an individual's job opportunities. If you're seeking a job in the IT industry, you want to know the best option to land the position you want.

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Are You a Covered Entity Under HIPAA? 4 Types of Covered Entities

HIPAA Covered Entity

Photo Attribution: Yeexin Richelle/

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) can be a tricky yet necessary protocol to follow. A common misconception of those on the "outside looking in" is that HIPAA only applies to healthcare organizations like hospitals and other specialty clinics.

When looking into who is covered by HIPAA, you may be surprised to learn that several more entities have a responsibility to adhere to HIPAA guidelines as a covered entity. Some of these organizations are not even directly involved with healthcare.

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Master Service Agreement (MSA) or Service Level Agreement (SLA): Which Do You Need in Business?

Master Service Agreement (MSA) vs Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Photo Attribution: Bakhtiar Zein & Nemanja Cosovic/

In the IT sector, internal and external relationships are often governed by legal or quasi-legal documents. In IT and ITSM, the terms "Master Service Agreement" and "Service Level Agreement" are often used interchangeably. 

However, there are differences between the two kinds of agreements that can impact how you want to use them in your organization. While both can be used for similar purposes — such as establishing clear expectations for internal IT service providers or external vendors — what separates them and how they're used are sufficiently different that it's worth taking the time to understand why this is important.

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What Is a Service Level Agreement in Business? SLA Meaning and Definition

SLA Meaning and Definition

Photo Attribution: Bakhtiar Zein/

So, what is the meaning of an SLA, or what does SLA stand for, anyway?

The term Service Level Agreement (SLA) is basically self-defining: two parties (service provider and customer) officially agreeing on the level of service by which they both are willing to abide. However, defining and creating an effective SLA between an ITSM team and the rest of the organization, or between a third-party provider and a business isn't always that easy.

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IT Asset Management Lifecycle: Tools, Processes and Best Practices

IT Asset Management Life Cycle

IT asset life cycle management is a mission-critical function for every business.

Whether those IT assets are cloud based from software vendors, hardware, or on-site systems, the planning, procurement, management, and maintenance of them is crucial to the operational success of an organization.

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HIPAA vs HITRUST vs HITECH: What's the Difference?


Photo Attribution: Newgate/

When it comes to Protected Health Information (PHI), healthcare providers and organizations can never be too safe. The repercussions for lost, stolen or manipulated data could cost you large sums of money, a tarnished reputation, and even jail time. According to data shared by HIPAA Journal, there were 339 healthcare data breaches of 500 or more records reported to the Department of Health and Human Services' Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Between January 1, 2023, and June 30, 2023.

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What Are the Most Important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) & Metrics for IT Operations Managers?

ITIL Iterative Process

Photo Attribution: alwie99d/

IT and IT Service Management (ITSM) is a data-intensive business and operational function. In most cases, everything that can be measured is measured in some way. 

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other metrics play a mission-critical role in the management of an IT team. It's also the main way IT operations managers can show senior business leaders how their team is performing.

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