Giva Blog

Help Desk, Customer Service, Cloud & Security Insights, with a Side of Altruism!

Help Desk Automation Fully Examined with How To's and Types of Tools

Help Desk Automation

Photo Attribution: elenabsl/

Help desk automation is one of the most effective ways to improve the service customers get from an organization's help desk.

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Fully Examining ITIL Processes: Types and Real-World Examples

ITIL Processes Types and Examples

Photo Attribution: Irina Strelnikova/

Today, businesses rely on structured IT Service Management to stay efficient and competitive. A well built framework helps organizations streamline operations, reduce downtime, and enhance service delivery.

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Hospital Automation Fully Examined: Benefits and 12 Innovative Ways to Implement

Hospital Automation

Photo Attribution: Irina Strelnikova/

Hospitals are under immense pressure to provide the best care possible for more patients while also needing to maximize resources and deliver the results that stakeholders expect.

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7 Strategies for Providing Excellent Customer Service at a Hospital

Customer Service at a Hospital

Photo Attribution: Irina Strelnikova/

When people think of the "customer service industry," they instinctively think of retail or food service. However, customer service is not only performed on a daily basis by department stores and restaurants. Healthcare institutions like hospitals are also part of the industry.

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Change Management in Healthcare: How to Implement and Measure for Success

Change Management in Healthcare

Photo Attribution: eamesBot/

Change management in healthcare is complicated, multi-faceted, and impacts multiple user groups and stakeholders, including and especially healthcare providers and patients.

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How to Reduce Call Center Costs: 5 Common Causes and 9 Top Strategies

Reduce Call Center Costs

Photo Attribution: wan wei & Unitone Vector/

It's a misconception that call centers are no longer necessary for modern customer service. In fact, it's the opposite — phone calls are the preferred channel for customer service interactions. That means that call centers will continue to play an essential role in customer service.

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Exploring the Future: Customer Service Industry Trends for 2025

Customer Service Industry Trends

Photo Attribution: DesignPrax/

Without question, we find ourselves at the heart of an ever-evolving era in the customer service industry. From the growth of cutting-edge AI to the personalization of customer experiences and the seamless connectivity of omnichannel support, these trends are fundamental in defining the future of customer engagement and service excellence.

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How to Build a Future-Ready IT Transformation Strategy

IT Transformation Strategy

Photo Attribution: VectorMine/

As technology keeps evolving, building a future-ready IT transformation strategy is essential for CIOs and IT leaders looking to modernize systems and support business growth. Unlike broader digital transformation, IT transformation focuses on improving IT infrastructure, processes, and teams to boost innovation and agility.

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IT Performance: Management, Measurement, and How to Improve

IT Performance

Photo Attribution: eamesBot/

IT systems are the heart and soul of most modern businesses. Therefore, when the IT system is secure from a cybersecurity standpoint and is performing efficiently, the company as a whole can operate to the best of its ability.

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5 Top HIPAA-Compliant Help Desk Software Solutions

HIPAA-Compliant Help Desk Software

Photo Attribution: Jaiz Anuar/

Managing sensitive patient data in customer service is a critical responsibility for healthcare organizations. HIPAA-compliant help desk software makes sure that organizations adhere to strict regulatory standards while delivering efficient and secure support.

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