Outsourced Help Desk Solutions: Strategies for Excellence

Unlock exceptional outsourced help desk solutions in our category, "Outsourced Help Desk Solutions: Strategies for Excellence." Dive into articles offering insights and successful strategies for navigating the complexities of help desk excellence, tailored for business owners, IT professionals, and support enthusiasts.

6 Key Components of a Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Service Level Agreements (SLA) Terms of Service

What specifically needs to be included in a service level agreement? Which aspects are described in an SLA? In this post, we explain the 6 common elements of a service contract.

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The Importance of Good Grammar in Customer Service Chat

Customer Service Chat & Grammar

It is no secret that in the digital age, convenience and instant gratification are king. Convenience and speed are evident everywhere from cloud servers to text message jargon. Everything is designed and cultivated to be as quick as possible. But perhaps some things are meant to happen just a little bit slower.

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Customer Service Apologies: Their Importance and How To Say "Sorry"

Customer Service Best Practices Apologizing

Sometimes it is necessary to apologize. Apologies usually come after a mistake has been made. The idea of acknowledging that there is something to apologize for is off-putting to many businesses, but the fact is, mistakes sometimes happen.

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