Service Beyond Borders: Insights into Outsourced Customer Care

Embark on a global exploration of outsourced customer care in our category, "Service Beyond Borders: Insights into Outsourced Customer Care." Discover valuable insights, strategies, and perspectives in articles tailored for businesses, support professionals, and those intrigued by the global dimensions of customer care.

An Apology Letter or Script: Examples of How to Apologize to a Customer (Without Sounding Scripted)

Customer Apology Scripts

Photo Attribution: Na_Studio/

Apologies are a necessary part of recovering from your mistakes. In the customer service industry, knowing how to deliver a meaningful apology is a crucial skill everyone should be willing to improve in themselves.

However, it takes more than saying "sorry" to make a change. Customers want fast, simple solutions to their problems. And when they can't solve it themselves, customer reps need the ability to tell them what to do instead of apologizing and asking them what they need.

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What Is Collaborative Email? Pros and Cons of Shared Inboxes, and Alternatives

Collaborative Email & Shared Inboxes

Photo Attribution: 365daysStudios/

When customer service or success teams are managing hundreds or thousands of customer queries every day, a collaborative inbox can be an advantage.

Instead of an email message going to individual customer service agents and managers, everyone shares the same inbox. Working together collaborating to solve customer problems is a big advantage.

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The Top 16 Customer Service Soft Skills You Need for Support Excellence

Customer Service Soft Skills Excellence

Photo Attribution: Kanitta Kuha/

The most important pillar in building a successful business is providing excellent customer service. A Customer Service Representative (CSR) is the face of a company and can make or break a deal in most cases. However, providing perfect customer service is difficult. It is even more difficult to find an ideal candidate with customer service skills for your company.

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Call Center Best Practices and Innovation Ideas for the 2020s

Call Cdnter Best Practices and Innovations

Photo Attribution: johavel/

Whenever we think of a call center, what comes to our mind can be the image of a warehouse-sized room packed with desks and air conditioners where you can hear phones ringing continuously and agents working tirelessly answering queries. However, such visuals are rare these days.

A contact center is an essential part of a company as it provides customer support and generates leads, and the latest call center innovative ideas have made them economical and scalable for companies. If you are planning to start one for your company, below is everything you need to know about innovations and best practices for a call center which are essential for its effectiveness. But before exploring, we first need to understand a few foundational ideas about call centers.

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Customer Service Excellence Across All Generations

Customer Service Excellence Across Generations

Photo Attribution: bananaquack & ArchMan/

Excellent customer service starts with empathy, patience, and understanding your customers' needs. To deliver this, it is critical for a service representative to understand how consumers think and react to a conversation. One major factor that determines the course and outcome of a conversation is the generational difference when dealing with a customer. This may be the first time in history that customer service representatives are tasked with dealing with customers from five generations. Because of this, it is not possible to have one approach for all customers. Rather, a service representative needs to deploy different strategies and special forms of communication to deliver exceptional customer service across all five generations. For that, a service representative needs to be aware of the differences in the mindset of each generation and must be able to meet the expectations of each group accordingly.

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Top 10 Disputes to Address in Your Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) SLA

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Photo Attribution: chrupka/

What is BPO: Business Process Outsourcing?

BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing and is the contracting of services to third-party companies that can provide them more inexpensively or better than your company. Businesses outsource their work for many reasons but are most commonly looking to decrease costs, expand capabilities or lessen risks. Some common outsourcing services include Customer Service/Call Center/Helpdesk, Client Management, Human Resources, and even Accounting. Third-party providers offer these solutions using cost-efficient approaches. This article will focus on Call Center providers, although many of the points can apply to other types of outsourced services as well.

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Machine-Learning is Leading the Self-Improving Help Desk: Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Systems

Case Based Reasoning Help Desk AI

Photo Attribution: ArchMan/

In the AI-driven era, customer service has evolved to be more efficient and self-learning. AI systems help companies in a variety of ways including improving customer satisfaction ratings, reducing operational costs, and increasing revenue. AI has many other advantages for customer service that human agents cannot compete with — it is always available, 24/7 and never gets tired or distracted. One of the leading AI systems in this area is CBR Systems' machine learning help desk system.

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3 Top Ways to Provide More Cost-Effective Customer Service

3 Top Ways to Provide More Cost Effective Customer Service

Photo Attribution: BoBaa22/

From the right tools to adequate staffing, customer service can turn out to be an expensive venture for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Most of the expenses incurred come from in-house teams, usually those working in a call-center. If customers get off of the phone with your in-house team and still don't have a resolution to their issue, that can also be seen as both time and money wasted. This is especially true if the customer decides to forego your business thanks to that particular experience.

According to Hannah Steiman of Peak Support, there are a few ways in which in-house customer service can become costly:

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The Difference Between Help Desk, Technical Support & Desktop Support & Skills Required

The Difference Between Helpdesk Technical and Desktop Support and Skills Required

Photo Attribution: Rosadu/

With continued growth in computer and hand-held device use in the lives of many brings increasing technical questions and problems that arise. And so, the field of supporting these systems grows along with it, which brings business opportunities for entrepreneurs, and employment opportunities for support personnel.

But there are different types of support needs accompanied by varying required responsibilities and skills. The following are the differences between, and skills required for, three common areas of support: Help Desk, Technical Support, and Desktop/Deskside Support.

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3 Types of Service Level Agreements

3 Types of Service Level Agreements

A service level agreement (SLA) is a contract between a business and its customer outlining the details that the two parties have agreed to in a transaction. The types of SLAs that an organization can use depends on many significant aspects. While some are targeted at individual customer groups, others discuss issues relevant to entire companies. This is because the needs of one user differ from those of another. Below is a list of the types of SLAs used by businesses today, and how each one is utilized for specific situations:

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