Call Center Compass: Navigating Outsourced Support Operations

Explore the specialized realm of outsourced support in our exclusive category, "Call Center Compass: Navigating Outsourced Support Operations." Dive into articles decoding the nuances of outsourcing, a valuable resource for business owners, support professionals, and outsourcing enthusiasts.

3 Top Ways to Provide More Cost-Effective Customer Service

3 Top Ways to Provide More Cost Effective Customer Service

Photo Attribution: BoBaa22/

From the right tools to adequate staffing, customer service can turn out to be an expensive venture for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Most of the expenses incurred come from in-house teams, usually those working in a call-center. If customers get off of the phone with your in-house team and still don't have a resolution to their issue, that can also be seen as both time and money wasted. This is especially true if the customer decides to forego your business thanks to that particular experience.

According to Hannah Steiman of Peak Support, there are a few ways in which in-house customer service can become costly:

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The Difference Between Help Desk, Technical Support & Desktop Support & Skills Required

The Difference Between Helpdesk Technical and Desktop Support and Skills Required

Photo Attribution: Rosadu/

With continued growth in computer and hand-held device use in the lives of many brings increasing technical questions and problems that arise. And so, the field of supporting these systems grows along with it, which brings business opportunities for entrepreneurs, and employment opportunities for support personnel.

But there are different types of support needs accompanied by varying required responsibilities and skills. The following are the differences between, and skills required for, three common areas of support: Help Desk, Technical Support, and Desktop/Deskside Support.

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3 Types of Service Level Agreements

3 Types of Service Level Agreements

A service level agreement (SLA) is a contract between a business and its customer outlining the details that the two parties have agreed to in a transaction. The types of SLAs that an organization can use depends on many significant aspects. While some are targeted at individual customer groups, others discuss issues relevant to entire companies. This is because the needs of one user differ from those of another. Below is a list of the types of SLAs used by businesses today, and how each one is utilized for specific situations:

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6 Important Considerations for Service Level Agreements in Cloud Computing

Cloud Service Level Agreements

When it comes to cloud computing, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) act as both the structure and warranty of the terms of the relationship between the consumer and provider. SLAs that are tailored toward services in the cloud often include information that differs from other agreements in similar industries.

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6 Key Components of a Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Service Level Agreements (SLA) Terms of Service

What specifically needs to be included in a service level agreement? Which aspects are described in an SLA? In this post, we explain the 6 common elements of a service contract.

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The Importance of Good Grammar in Customer Service Chat

Customer Service Chat & Grammar

It is no secret that in the digital age, convenience and instant gratification are king. Convenience and speed are evident everywhere from cloud servers to text message jargon. Everything is designed and cultivated to be as quick as possible. But perhaps some things are meant to happen just a little bit slower.

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Customer Service Apologies: Their Importance and How To Say "Sorry"

Customer Service Best Practices Apologizing

Sometimes it is necessary to apologize. Apologies usually come after a mistake has been made. The idea of acknowledging that there is something to apologize for is off-putting to many businesses, but the fact is, mistakes sometimes happen.

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