Executive IT Insights: Navigating Business, Tech, and Security

Explore "Executive IT Insights," delving into the executive realm of information technology. Our blog category is your gateway to business strategies, tech trends, and security insights. Whether you're an IT director, CIO, or executive, join us for a nuanced perspective on navigating the digital era.

What is Help Desk Software Used For: From Basics to Benefits

Help Desk Software Dashboard

In today's digital age, customer expectations are continually rising, demanding swift and efficient responses from businesses. Help desk software has emerged as a pivotal tool in addressing these demands. It offers high-level value by streamlining communications and enhancing customer experience. But what is help desk software truly designed for, and how can it benefit your business? In this article, we work to guide businesses in making the right choice in a world where every customer interaction counts.

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Help Desk vs Desktop Support: Comparing ITSM Delivery

Help Desk vs. Desktop Support

When it comes to technical support, there are two main options: Help Desk and Desktop Support. These can be in-house/on site or delivered remotely via third-party cloud-based software (SaaS) solutions. There is often some confusion over the use of the terms Help Desk and Desktop Support.

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Managing an SLA Breach: A Guide to Resolution and Prevention

Service Level Agreement (SLA) Breach

Photo Attribution: hvostik/Shutterstock.com

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) document expectations between service providers and customers. These contracts outline standards for response and up time, and business operating hours, among others.

However, even the most well-crafted SLAs are susceptible to breaches. An SLA breach occurs when the agreed-upon services fall short of stipulated standards. It erodes trust and can result in financial penalties and damaged reputations.

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8 Actionable Help Desk Scripts: Best Practices and Examples

Help Desk Script Example Templates

Photo Attribution: Bakhtiar Zein/Shutterstock.com

IT help desk workloads and tickets are high-volume, busy, and always feel like they're getting busier.

A massive time-saver is to use help desk scripts and templates, sometimes called "canned responses", to handle ticket volumes of internal or external customer interactions faster and more efficiently.

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12 Help Desk Ticket Examples and Responses for Busy IT Managers

Help Desk Ticket EXamples

Photo Attribution: Lucien Fraud/Shutterstock.com

IT help desks are busy operations. Customers, whether internal or external, are calling and, in most cases, sending support tickets via online forms and Live Chat.

IT Service Management (ITSM) teams don't have time to write every single response message from scratch. You need a ready-to-use set of examples to cover the most commonplace scenarios, such as printer, password, and third-party software (SaaS) problems.

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SLA Formula: How to Calculate and Improve Service Level Agreement Scores

SLA Formula Calculations

Photo Attribution: TarikVision/Shutterstock.com

When it comes to customer service and IT support, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are essential for ensuring high-quality customer service and maintaining contracts between in-house teams, customers, and service providers.

As call center and IT help desk managers, your ability to maintain high SLA scores can significantly impact both customer satisfaction and the efficient running of contact center or IT operations.

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Preventing Help Desk/Call Center Burnout: Ideas for Managers and Agents

Help Desk/Call Center Burnout & Stress

Photo Attribution: topvector/Shutterstock.com

Burnout, stress, and anxiety are at epidemic proportions, and it's a serious problem in IT, ITSM help desk, and call center functions across the US and worldwide.

Burnout "is a special type of work-related stress — a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity."

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Reactive vs. Proactive vs. Predictive: 3 Stages of Help Desks

3 Types of Help Desks: Reactive, Proactive, Predictive

Photo Attribution: eamesBot/Shutterstock.com

IT Service Management (ITSM) help desks can implement and deliver services in one of three ways: reactive, proactive, or predictive.

In many respects, these three levels represent different stages of the ITSM maturity model. Measuring ITSM maturity is a way of assessing "how good your organization or system is at self-improvement." If you're still delivering reactive IT services, then that suggests a lower level of maturity, which results in higher staff turnover, higher costs, and lower key performance indicators (KPIs), customer satisfaction, and service level agreement (SLA) scores.

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What Does Business Relationship Management (BRM) Mean in ITIL?

IT Business Relationship Management

Photo Attribution: Ico Maker/Shutterstock.com

In any IT-based service operation, such as IT Service Management (ITSM), especially when they operate on ITIL principles, a Business Relationship Manager (BRM) is the go-between with the rest of the organization.

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What Is Edge Computing? Plus Benefits, Challenges and Examples

Edge Computing Technology

Photo Attribution: elenabsl/Shutterstock.com

Edge computing, or edge cloud computing, is a new technology for communications and data processing connected to the cloud. More people are wondering what it is as it gains popularity. How does it work, and how does it compare to cloud computing? Everyone should know a few key traits of edge tech and its main applications today.

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